PROJECT TITLE Data/Information Clearinghouse for Research, Monitoring, and Restoration Actions that have occurred within the Devils River Watershed PROBLEM There is often no single place one can go to search academic studies, student theses, governmental reports, industry research, and newspaper articles about certain rivers and watersheds. SOLUTION OVERVIEW An organized and publicly-accessible online database of […]
Rio Grande
Through support from Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative (SRLCC), Desert Fish Habitat Partnership (DFHP), Western Native Trout Initiative (WNTI), and Siglo Group, a NFCA prioritization was completed that identifies focal watersheds for preservation of freshwater fish diversity within Rio Grande watershed. This multispecies, watershed-based conservation prioritization is now being used to facilitate cooperative conservation of […]
Texas harbors 191 species of native freshwater fishes, 48% of which are considered imperiled. The primary cause of fish species imperilment in Texas is anthropogenic alteration of freshwater systems, which continues to occur at rates and scales that threaten the long-term resiliency of freshwater habitats, species, and ecosystems. Innovative conservation approaches are needed to restore […]
Colorado River Texas Workshop
Progress and Outcomes of the Colorado River Native Fish Conservation Area Planning Process. An interdisciplinary team of 32 fish and wildlife conservation professionals representing conservation non-profits, universities, state and federal agencies gathered for a series of conservation planning workshops in fall 2015. Priority actions now provide the groundwork for a conservation action plan that will […]
Great Plains
Native Fish Conservation Areas (NFCAs; Dauwalter et al. 2011, Williams et al., 2011) are defined as watersheds with a management focus on the conservation and restoration of native fishes and the habitats on which they depend. Through support from the GPLCC, Labay and Hendrickson (2014) completed a NFCA prioritization that identifies focal watersheds for preservation […]