Chihuahuan Desert, Texas
Conservation PlanConservation action plan and science agenda from stakeholder-led workshops

An interdisciplinary team of approximately 55 individuals, representing TPWD Inland Fisheries Division, TPWD Wildlife Division, USFWS - Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program, USFWS Texas Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office, National Park Service, University of Texas, Texas Tech University, Fort Worth Zoo, The Nature Conservancy of Texas, World Wildlife Fund, Desert Fish Habitat Partnership, Big Bend Conservation Alliance and Devils River Conservancy, met by webinar and workshop in fall 2016 and spring 2017. Members were tasked with 1) Identifying priority research, monitoring, and restoration actions for preservation of native fishes, their habitats and other aquatic resources in the Chihuahuan Desert ecoregion of Texas; 2) Catalyzing cooperation, collaboration, and leveraging of technical and financial resources among local, state and federal natural resources management agencies, universities, non-governmental organizations, and other local partners that contribute to the conservation of native fishes and other aquatic resources in the watersheds of the Chihuahuan Desert; 3) Facilitating local implementation of the National Fish Habitat Action Plan in the Chihuahuan Desert watersheds.
Chihuahuan Desert, Texas Action Plan Summary
Through this workshop process described above there was a delineation of research priorities, monitoring needs and potential restoration actions for preservation of native fishes, their habitats and other aquatic resources within the Chihuahuan Desert Native Fish Conservation Network. These discussions resulted in the identification of almost 80 priority conservation actions and funding needs.