Project Description
An illustrated key and checklist of Texas Cyprinidae.
Conservation Area
Lower Rio Grande Native Fish Conservation Area, Guadalupe and San Antonio Rivers Native Fish Conservation Area, Central Coast Rivers and Streams Native Fish Conservation Area, Lower Colorado River Native Fish Conservation Area, Middle Brazos River Native Fish Conservation Area, San Gabriel River Native Fish Conservation Area, Lower Brazos River Native Fish Conservation Area, Southeast Texas Rivers Native Fish Conservation Area, Northeast Texas Rivers Native Fish Conservation AreaNFCA Objectives
Project Hierarchy: High (i.e., timely and urgent, needs to occur within the next 1-3 years)
Estimated Cost Range: <$50,000
Project Submitted By: Kevin W. Conway, Texas A&M, Dept. Ecology and Conservation Biology
Suggested Contact: Kevin W. Conway
The majority of SGCN belong to the Cyprinidae yet these are notoriously difficult to identify in the field. An illustrated key/field guide to this group could help to prevent or lessen unintended collection of threatened taxa in the future.
funded to date by Texas A&M agrilife and personal funds (Conway); additional funds could help complete the project (eg support field work to obtain photographs of live individuals, fund SEM work at TAMU).