Arundo Control Experimentation

Project Description

Arundo is a persistent problem in the Guadalupe Basin as well as numerous other Basins in Central Texas. Through experimentation on best management practices directives can be made on long-term management of the species in the watershed where it is causing economic and/or ecological impact. Experimentation will look at chemical (organic and synthetic), as well as mechanical controls as well as long term displacement with woody species.

Conservation Area


NFCA Objectives

Project Hierarchy: Tier 2 - Medium Priority
Estimated Cost Range: 100,000- 200,000
Project Submitted By: Jonathan Ogren
Suggested Contact:

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Comal County, City of Newbraunfels, Kerr County, City of Kerville, Meadows Center for Water and the Environment

TPWD Swf funding

Project Status

  • Suggested
  • Ongoing
  • Completed

Project Location

New Braunfels, Tx