Project Description
Riparian restoration through invasive and non-native vegetation removal and restoration of native vegetation along significant tributaries of Guadalupe and Comal Rivers within Comal County. .
Conservation Area
GuadalupeNFCA Objectives
Project Hierarchy: Tier 3 - Very important project, but less urgent & could be part of or added to an existing program or effort
Estimated Cost Range: ~$200,000 - $300,000
Project Submitted By: Jenna Walker
Suggested Contact: Jenna Walker
-Improved riparian zones and habitat
-Reduced contributions of polluted runoff and sediments to Dry Comal Creek, Guadalupe River and other areas with steep banks, highly erodible substrate
-Increased community access and associated education and outreach
-Installation of vegetative filter strips
Comal Trails Alliance
The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment
City of New Braunfels
Comal County
Edwards Aquifer Authority
Habitat Conservation Plan
Master Naturalists
TCEQ 319 funds