Project Description
Conduct a synoptic survey of exotic fish communities in Buffalo Bayou watershed and interactions with altered instream habitat, flow regime, water quality and potential effects on native fish species.
Conservation Area
Southeast Texas Rivers Native Fish Conservation AreaNFCA Objectives
- Conduct research to fill critical information gaps
- Mitigate effects of invasive species
- Protect and maintain intact, healthy habitats
- Restore impacted habitats
Project Hierarchy: High (i.e., timely and urgent, needs to occur within the next 1-3 years)
Estimated Cost Range: $50,000-$100,000
Project Submitted By: George Guillen, UHCL EIH
Suggested Contact: George Guillen
By documenting the compositions and population of exotic species and conditions that promote their establishment and interactions with native species, strategies for control that benefit SGCN can be implemented.
TPWD, HGAC, BPA, Harris County Pollution Control, Harris County Flood Control District, TCEQ Region
Federal and State Agencies (USFWS, TPWD)