Project Description
Conduct an American Eel movement study on the lower Colorado and Sulphur Rivers to characterize movement patterns of yellow eel and assess outward migration patterns of silver eel.
Conservation Area
Lower Colorado River Native Fish Conservation Area, Northeast Texas Rivers Native Fish Conservation AreaNFCA Objectives
- Conduct research to fill critical information gaps
- Organize networks of public and private landowners
This project will further support the effort to fulfill life history data gaps for American Eel with a focus on yellow and silver eel to better understand movement patterns and genetic contribution of Texas population to panmictic population. Tagged individuals in the Sulphur River will be a part of the Red River drainage where AGFC and LDWF already have receivers deployed; lower Colorado River seems to contain a high number of eel as reported and observed during Blue Sucker sampling where a similar tracking study could be established.
Arkansas Game & Fish Commission, Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries, LCRA
SWG, TPWD operating funds