Project Description
Conduct geomorphic assessment of the lower Brazos River to determine the extent of channel degradation as a result of permitted and ongoing sand shell and gravel mining operations.
Conservation Area
Lower Brazos River Native Fish Conservation AreaNFCA Objectives
- Conduct research to fill critical information gaps
- Restore impacted habitats
- Restore stream and habitat connectivity
Project Hierarchy: High (i.e., timely and urgent, needs to occur within the next 1-3 years)
Estimated Cost Range: $100,000-$200,000
Project Submitted By: Kevin Mayes, TPWD
Suggested Contact: Mark Wentzel, Nolan Raphelt
Results could be used to inform future permitting and physical restoration efforts needed to return channel to conditions that better support SGCN and STE fishes and mussels
SWG, Section 6, NFHP, fish stamp