Project Description
Fish Biodiversity Outlook for Texas: projecting the future impacts of urbanization and energy development in Texas on river systems, water availability, and habitats and the likely streams and fish species that will be jeopardized. Conservation priorities and targets organized by NCFAs
Conservation Area
Lower Rio Grande Native Fish Conservation Area, Guadalupe and San Antonio Rivers Native Fish Conservation Area, Central Coast Rivers and Streams Native Fish Conservation Area, Lower Colorado River Native Fish Conservation Area, Middle Brazos River Native Fish Conservation Area, San Gabriel River Native Fish Conservation Area, Lower Brazos River Native Fish Conservation Area, Southeast Texas Rivers Native Fish Conservation Area, Northeast Texas Rivers Native Fish Conservation AreaNFCA Objectives
- Conduct research to fill critical information gaps
- Protect and maintain intact, healthy habitats
- Restore impacted habitats
- Restore stream and habitat connectivity
Project Hierarchy: Moderate (i.e., needs to occur within the next 3-5 years)
Estimated Cost Range: $100,000-$200,000
Project Submitted By: Ryan McManamay, Baylor University
Suggested Contact: Kevin Mayes
Providing TPWD and other agencies with information for prioritizing regions for pre-emptive mitigation and protection, strategic restoration, and identifying high-priority habitat projection for fish SGCN
Texas A&M
TNC, TPWD, USFWS Sport Fish Restoration