Project Description
Document migration of Prairie Chub, Plains Minnow, and Red River Shiner in the Red River and tributaries using stable isotopes. This also will allow determination of the relative importance of the Red River and its tributaries as spawning sites and nursery areas.
Conservation Area
RedNFCA Objectives
Project Hierarchy: 1
Estimated Cost Range: ~$100,000 - $200,000
Project Submitted By: Gene Wilde
Suggested Contact: Gene Wilde, Allison Pease
This is critical in understanding the potential effects of instream barriers, low flows, and fragmentation on these species.
Texas Tech University, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, United States Fish and Wildlife Service
SWG, Section 6, GPLCC, SARP, USFWS, TPWD, ODWC, GPFHP, Red River Authority