Perform synoptic survey of upper Sabine River fish

Project Description

Perform synoptic survey of upper Sabine River fish communities (big river spp. such as Blue Sucker, Paddlefish) and instream habitat

Conservation Area

Northeast Texas Rivers Native Fish Conservation Area

NFCA Objectives

Project Hierarchy: Moderate (i.e., needs to occur within the next 3-5 years)
Estimated Cost Range: $50,000-$100,000
Project Submitted By: Kevin Mayes, TPWD
Suggested Contact:

Continue assessments of big river fish communities to develop flow-ecology, habitat relationships, and env. requirements; assess population status and distributions of big river fishes

TPWD River Studies and District; SRA of Texas


Project Status

  • Suggested
  • Ongoing
  • Completed

Project Location

Sabine River upstream of Toledo Bend