Prioritize conservation actions in the South Llano River Conservation Demonstration Area Master Plan

Project Description

Prioritize conservation actions identified in the South Llano River Conservation Demonstration Area Master Plan, and develop a phased approach for implementation

Conservation Area


NFCA Objectives

Project Hierarchy: Tier 1 - prioritize within next 1-3 years, and of immediate need. Think urgent, or 1st priority.
Estimated Cost Range: ~$100,000 - $200,000
Project Submitted By: Advisory Council Member
Suggested Contact: Dave Rosgen (or equivalent), TPWD staff, Steve Nelle

increased public awareness, improved watershed function

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas Tech University Llano River Field Station, Llano River Watershed Alliance


Project Status

  • Suggested
  • Ongoing
  • Completed

Project Location

South Llano River