Re-operation of Lake O’ the Pines dam to restore environmental flows

Project Description

Re-operation of Lake O' the Pines dam to restore environmental flows to Big Cypress Bayou and Caddo Lake downstream. Current needs are 1) monitoring of fish community and floodplain response to flow releases (and the concurrent re-introduction of paddlefish), 2) refinement of engineering tools (HEC-RAS, HEC-EFM) needed to evaluate further potential changes to flow management, 3) integration of freshwater mussels and geomorphology/sediment into the monitoring and adaptive management framework.

Conservation Area

Northeast Texas Rivers Native Fish Conservation Area

NFCA Objectives

Project Hierarchy: High (i.e., timely and urgent, needs to occur within the next 1-3 years)
Estimated Cost Range: $200,000-$300,000
Project Submitted By: Ryan Smith, The Nature Conservancy
Suggested Contact: Ryan Smith, Joe Trungale

Restoration of the flow regime to 30 miles of Big Cypress Bayou for the benefit of at least four SGCN fishes, two SGCN freshwater mussels, and one SGCN reptile. Connection to other ongoing partnership-based conservation efforts in the watershed.

The Nature Conservancy, US Army Corps of Engineers, Caddo Lake Institute, Northeast Texas Municipal Water District, Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept., US Fish and Wildlife Service

US Army Corps of Engineers (matching funds needed), US Fish and Wildlife Service, private foundations and donors

Project Status

  • Suggested
  • Ongoing
  • Completed

Project Location

Big Cypress Bayou below Lake O' the Pines dam and Caddo Lake