Reintroduce imperiled Brazos River minnows to formerly occupied habitats

Project Description

Reintroduce imperiled Brazos River minnows to formerly occupied habitats; conduct habitat and environmental assessment of such habitats to determine priority areas for repatriation; spawn and raise shiners at existing state, university and federal hatcheries or aquaculture facilities; reintroduce and monitor.

Conservation Area

Middle Brazos River Native Fish Conservation Area, San Gabriel River Native Fish Conservation Area, Lower Brazos River Native Fish Conservation Area

NFCA Objectives

Project Hierarchy: Low (i.e., important project, but not urgent; considered a wish-list item)
Estimated Cost Range: $400,000-$500,000
Project Submitted By: Kevin Mayes, TPWD
Suggested Contact:

successful reintroductions and monitoring results would directly support recovery outline for the listed shiners (augment populations); downlisting possible

USFWS, TPWD hatcheries, university, BRA

SWG, Section 6, state resources

Project Status

  • Suggested
  • Ongoing
  • Completed

Project Location

Reaches of the Brazos River formerly occupied by FE shiners, including areas downstream of PK, Whitney, lower Brazos, and certain tributaries