Project Description
Assess condition of riparian buffers along Red and Canadian rivers and tributaries, and prioritize areas for restoration and protection (through acquisition, conservation easements or other landowner incentives)
Conservation Area
RedNFCA Objectives
Project Hierarchy: 1
Estimated Cost Range: ~$1000 - $50,000
Project Submitted By: Duane German
Suggested Contact: TPWD and ODWC Inland Fisheries Staff, PLJV / Oak Prairie Joint Venture staff
Identified Priority Areas for riparian restoration, increased efficiency and benefit for restoration activities
Oklahoma Department of Wildlife, Climate Science Centers
TPWD and/or ODWC will provide staff time for analysis, GPLCC grant for $20K - $30K (depending on number of partners and study area) for operating expenses and travel to coordinate with GPLCC, ODWC and other partners