Saltcedar management in the Red River

Project Description

Conduct an inventory and characterization of saltcedar (SC) coverage, potential refugia, and fish passage barriers; develop plan for prioritized, stepwise, sustainable SC management within Red River drainages including SOPs for SC surveying and monitoring. Implement prioritized, large-scale SC management that is adaptive to periodic reevaluation based on monitoring results.

Conservation Area


NFCA Objectives

Project Hierarchy: 1
Estimated Cost Range: ~$300,000 - $500,000
Project Submitted By: Kevin Mayes, Monica McGarrity
Suggested Contact: Duane Lucia, Allen Knutson

Plan for prioritized, stepwise, sustainable saltcedar management within basin; Maps of saltcedar coverage, potential refugia, and fish passage barriers; SOPs for surveying saltcedar coverage consistently over time and across basins; framework for evaluation and prioritization of treatment efforts (with periodic reevaluation/reprioritization); SOPs for monitoring effects of treatment; mitigation of impacts of an invasive species likely to be synergistically increased by climate change; improvements in geomorphic processes, habitat, and connectivity at a scale relevant for long-term persistence of native fish populations.

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, USArmy Corps of Engineers, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, United States Geological Survey, Oklahoma University, Oklahoma State University, Texas Tech, Red River Authority

TWDB, TPWD, USACOE, USFWS, SARP, LCCs, GPFHP, river authorities, cities

Project Status

  • Suggested
  • Ongoing
  • Completed

Project Location

Red River basin - prioritization of treatment will take place across all critical, essential, and utilized habitats within basin.