Spawning flows for Sharpnose Shiner and Smalleye Shiner

Project Description

To understand how water resource development in the Upper Brazos River basin of Texas quantitatively affects spawning flows needed for Sharpnose Shiner (Notropis oxyrhynchus) and Smalleye Shiner (N. buccula) reproductive success by: (1) evaluating groundwater-surface water interactions with trends in baseflow and groundwater level, streamflow measurements during spawning, and hydrograph separation with conductivity, and (2) assessing changes in natural flow regime from reservoir operation using minimum-flow, high flow pulse, and bank storage metrics.

Conservation Area


NFCA Objectives

Project Hierarchy: 1
Estimated Cost Range: ~$200,000 - $300,000
Project Submitted By: Brad Wolaver
Suggested Contact: Brad Wolaver, Kevin Mayes, Omar Bocanegra

This study will increase our understanding of how groundwater and surface water use—exacerbated by droughts and climate change—threaten current and future shiner habitat in the Upper Brazos River basin of Texas. This can inform Recovery Plan development, particularly research and management actions leading to restoration of spawning flows. Results can also be used to understand threats to other species of greatest conservation need in the Upper Brazos basin (TPWD, 2012, 2014).

Kevin Mayes, Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, San Marcos, Texas.
Omar Bocanegra, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Arlington, Texas.

TPWD Section 6 -- Proposed Funding in September, 2016.

Project Status

  • Suggested
  • Ongoing
  • Completed

Project Location

Upper Brazos River basin of Texas