Sustainable use plan for riverside parks along Onion Creek and the Colorado River

Project Description

Coordinate with City of Austin and Travis County Parks and Recreation to develop a sustainable use management plan for riverside parks along Onion Creek and the Colorado River in Travis County

Conservation Area


NFCA Objectives

Project Hierarchy: Tier 1 - prioritize within next 1-3 years, and of immediate need. Think urgent, or 1st priority.
Estimated Cost Range: ~$1000 - $50,000
Project Submitted By: Advisory Council Member
Suggested Contact: Greg Cummings, Melissa Parker,

increase access, public engagement

Travis County, City of Austin, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, fishing and paddling groups

staff time

Project Status

  • Suggested
  • Ongoing
  • Completed

Project Location

Longhorn Dam to City of Bastrop