Update, refine, and expand records from the TCWC Collection of Fishes (TAMU)

Project Description

Update, refine, and expand records from the TCWC Collection of Fishes (TAMU) within the Fishes of TX (FOT) database (UT), including revision of existing TCWC records in FOT (~14,000), and the addition of >20,000 novel TCWC records to the FOT.

Conservation Area

Lower Rio Grande Native Fish Conservation Area, Guadalupe and San Antonio Rivers Native Fish Conservation Area, Central Coast Rivers and Streams Native Fish Conservation Area, Lower Colorado River Native Fish Conservation Area, Middle Brazos River Native Fish Conservation Area, San Gabriel River Native Fish Conservation Area, Lower Brazos River Native Fish Conservation Area, Southeast Texas Rivers Native Fish Conservation Area, Northeast Texas Rivers Native Fish Conservation Area

NFCA Objectives

Project Hierarchy: High (i.e., timely and urgent, needs to occur within the next 1-3 years)
Estimated Cost Range: $50,000-$100,000
Project Submitted By: Kevin W. Conway, Texas A&M University
Suggested Contact: museum curators at TAMU/UT; Kevin Conway/Dean Hendrickson

Opportunity to bolster FOT records, enabling refinement of species distribution models for FW across state.

Fishes of Texas Project, UT

TPWD SWG grant; Museums of America

Project Status

  • Suggested
  • Ongoing
  • Completed

Project Location

State wide; large volume of museum records for freshwater, brackish, and marine fishes from across TX, especially TAMU collection records generated over the last ten years and currently missing from the FOT.