Watershed Stewardship Program Coordination in Upper Guadalupe River

Project Description

Enhance existing UGRA landowner assistance and watershed stewardship programs (i.e. aquatic invasive plant management, feral hog management, brush management, low impact development educational landscape tours, landowner education programs), design and implement new programs in the upper Guadalupe River watershed in Kerr County.

Conservation Area


NFCA Objectives

Project Hierarchy: Tier 1 - prioritize within next 1-3 years, and of immediate need. Think urgent, or 1st priority.
Estimated Cost Range: ~$100,000 - $200,000
Project Submitted By: Tara Bushnoe
Suggested Contact: TPWD, NRCS, Hill Country Alliance

Increase number of landowners participating in stewardship programs. Develop a coordinated, watershed wide approach to landowner assistance and watershed stewardship programs.

UGRA, local government entities, utilities, Master Gardeners, Master Naturalists

Potential: UGRA through managerial oversight, administrative tasks, office space
Potential: TPWD

Project Status

  • Suggested
  • Ongoing
  • Completed

Project Location

Upper Guadalupe River basin in Kerr County