In 2016, Michigan State University and the Hawaii Fish Habitat Partnership (HFHP) partnered to develop a state-wide prioritization approach to inform the selection of focus watersheds for conservation action given future changes in climate. Using the planning software Zonation, we integrated products developed by the National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP), including an ecological stream classification […]
Applications of the 2015 National Assessment of Stream Fish Habitats: Information for Enhanced Decision Making
One goal of the National Fish Habitat Partnership is to assess condition of the Nation’s stream fish habitats to identify threats to and opportunities for conservation of stream fishes. In 2015, the second assessment was completed, resulting in a continuous picture of habitat condition for all streams of the contiguous US based on stream fish […]
Establishing Freshwater Conservation Priorities with Consideration of Existing Conservation Networks
Conservation networks are important tools to help preserve biodiversity of freshwater ecosystems. We developed an approach to conservation planning that prioritized stream segments with high biological value within and complementary to currently protected lands. Using two conservation networks, we compared efficiencies of 1) conservation priorities assigned using our approach to priorities based solely on habitat […]