High Resolution Stream Habitat Inventory and Mapping of Middle Brazos and TributariesBrazos mainstem from Waco to confluence of Little River, including main and smaller tributaries (Big creek, Little River)
Identify environmental water transactions to support flow restoration in the lower BrazoThe middle and lower Brazos watersheds and tributaries would be evaluated for best bang for buck voluntary agreements
Assess the current status, Habitat use, and movements of the Sabine shinerLa Nana Bayou, three sites along the main channel within the Nacogdoches county. Sites are locate upstream and downstream of confluence between La Nana and Banita. Banita Creek is 2nd order stream and a tributary of La Nana Bayou.
Update, refine, and expand records from the TCWC Collection of Fishes (TAMU)State wide; large volume of museum records for freshwater, brackish, and marine fishes from across TX, especially TAMU collection records generated over the last ten years and currently missing from the FOT.
Joint TAMU/TAMU-CC undergraduate field course to survey fishes of Guadalupe river drainage.Multiple sites along Guadalupe river drainage, from headwaters to delta; ongoing since 2015
Conduct geomorphic assessmentLower Brazos River at 1093 near Simonton 29.671738, -96.021233
Conduct an American Eel movement studyLower Colorado River from Bastrop downstream to Gulf of Mexico; Sulphur River below Wright Patman Lake
Construct a fish ladder to bypass the historic Espada Dam near downtown San AntonioEspada Remnant channel 0.65 km south of Military Highway/Loop 13, this is the primary flow channel in the Mission Reach during periods of low flow; 29.346127, -98.465559.
Building upon a state-wide assessment of the Saltmarsh TopminnowProject would focus on select tidal rivers and streams along the upper Texas coast.
Evaluate environmental gradients that regulate the presence and abundance of imperiled shiner specieThe focus area would be in tributaries of the Angelina River basin (e.g., Bayou Coco [31.47903, -94.75092] an Bayou La Nana[31.614532, -94.643068]).
Removal of Otilla DamSan Antonio River main stem, approximately 17 km south-southeast of downtown San Antonio; 29.274735, -98.427961
State Intensification of on-going national rivers and streamsProject is state-wide. Typically ~ 80 sites, randomly distributed in rivers and streams (boatable and wadeable). Opportunity to add additional sites either hand selected based on known data gaps, or re-evaluation of historic collections. Also can have additional sites provided by EPA using their stratified random design to allow for state-level assessment.
Reintroduce imperiled Brazos River minnows to formerly occupied habitatsReaches of the Brazos River formerly occupied by FE shiners, including areas downstream of PK, Whitney, lower Brazos, and certain tributaries
Evaluate potential for voluntary environmental flow releases from dams in TexasRegional (or statewide) assessment, potentially followed by focus on dams/rivers with the most potential
Gap SamplingMultiple locations across ETCP - Northeast TX, Little River, San Bernard