Adapt and individual-based simulation modelThe model can be configured to model any river or stream reach for which suitable input data can be provided.
Fish Biodiversity Outlook for TexasEntire East Texas Region with specific recommendations for individual NFCAs
Evaluate environmental gradients that regulate the presence and abundance of imperiled shiner specieThe focus area would be in tributaries of the Angelina River basin (e.g., Bayou Coco [31.47903, -94.75092] an Bayou La Nana[31.614532, -94.643068]).
Characterize lower Rio Grande fish assemblages and habitatsRio Grande from Laredo to Eagle Pass (28.235525, -100.241488)
Increase base flows in the upper San Gabriel River watersheNorth and South Forks of the San Gabriel River upstream of lake Georgetown, including small tributaries
Conduct historic data compilation, and develop long-term monitoring programProject would focus on select tidal rivers and streams along the entire Texas coast where historic data exist.
Conduct geomorphic assessmentLower Brazos River at 1093 near Simonton 29.671738, -96.021233
Conduct aerial surveys of priority riparian invasive plantsEntire NFCAs; reaches could be prioritized based on USDA occurrence history data
Conduct a synoptic survey of exotic fish communities in Buffalo Bayou watershedUpstream of the confluence of Buffalo Bayou and White Oak Bayou including major tributaries; and upstream of Lake Houston in San Jacinto River basin. 29.9202, -95.1333
Assess potential aquatic conservation benefits of forest management, protection and restoration on TNC preservesNumerous potential locations, including core study areas in Pecan Bayou (Red River), Village Creek, and Little Rocky Creek (Angelina River)
Characterize lower Rio Grande fish assemblages and habitatsRio Grande from Laredo to Eagle Pass (28.235525, -100.241488)
Design, fabricate, and deploy eel ramp/trapDam on Colorado River in Bay City, TX (28.976968, -96.012300)
Assess potential aquatic conservation benefits of coastal prairie restorationNumerous potential locations, including streams contributing to Galveston, Matagorda, and San Antonio Bays, and the lower Brazos and San Bernard rivers
Riparian StewardshipThe Guadalupe River and tributary creeks in Kerr, Kendall, ad Blanco Counties